What's this project all about?
As part of TasWater’s commitment to investing in new and improved sewerage infrastructure to cater for Tasmania’s future growth, we are replacing a section of the sewer rising main in Bicheno.
Bicheno is serviced by 12 Sewage Pump Stations and a single Sewage Treatment Plant. Our Murray Street Sewage Pump Station currently pumps around 75 percent of Bicheno’s sewage through the connected major sewer pipeline. This pipeline, or rising main, is located on the Bicheno foreshore, adjacent a popular suburban walking track and a known penguin rookery.
Due to the age of this rising main, there has been an increase in breaks and leaks along some sections. To ensure we provide the community with a reliable asset and meet our obligations to deliver better outcomes for the environment, we need to replace this pipeline.
The design of the new pipeline includes consideration of community feedback gathered during previous consultation.
The Project will deliver a new rising main from the Murray Street Sewage Pump Station and connect to the main on the corner of Gordon Street and the Tasman Highway.
We will also be installing two manholes at the Murray Street Sewage Pump Station which will enable the new infrastructure to connect to the network. To ensure safe access for our teams, we will also install a small area of compressed brown gravel at the existing Pump Station site.
The project is scheduled to start during October 2024, with most our works expected to be undertaken prior to the Christmas period.
All works are planned for completion in early 2025.