Desludging works are planned for October 2024 at the Prospect Vale Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), off Pitcher Parade, Prospect Vale.

Work is planned to commence late October and run daily for approximately 6 weeks (weather permitting).

The work will be undertaken by TasWater as part of a statewide program targeting a number of high-priority wastewater lagoons.

A significant amount of sludge will be removed from one of the treatment lagoons, which will improve treatment performance, compliance, and reduce the potential for future odour generation.

Initially this material will be stored onsite at the STP in a large drying bed and allowed to dewater (dry out) over a period of 2-3 months before being removed to be spread on nearby farmland.

All works will be undertaken in accordance with the relevant Meander Valley Council and Environment Protection Authority (EPA) regulations.

Treatment capacity of the STP will be slightly reduced during the works and this may result in temporary impacts to final effluent leaving the plant and potential reduced water quality in the nearby wetlands area. Additional monitoring of receiving waterways will be undertaken by TasWater to assess these impacts however, it is advised that people and pets do not enter the wetlands whilst the works are underway. Signs advising community of the risks will be erected around the wetlands perimeter.

You may also notice minimal short-term increase in odours from Prospect Vale STP as a result of the desludging work. Odours will be monitored daily and operational controls will be put in place to reduce this when appropriate.

If you would like any additional information about these works, please feel free to contact our
Capital Engagement team on 13 6992, or by email to