What's this project all about?

TasWater is increasing its emergency storage capacity at several sewage pump stations (SPS), and installing some new sewage pipeline mains within the Sorell council municipality.

These upgrades will dramatically reduce the likelihood of sewer overflow during wet weather events and power outages. Reducing our risk and providing positive environmental outcomes.

Construction and installation of increased emergency storage has been completed at the below sewage pump stations.

Midway Point

Installation of a new sewer main along Fitzroy Street is planned for late 2023 - early 2024.

Giblin Drive SPS upgrade is currently in design.

Sorell Map

Community Impacts:

Our project team and contractors will work hard to ensure any impacts to the community are kept to a minimum, but as with all construction you may notice an increase in vehicles on your streets, noise related to excavation, dust and because these are sewer assets there is going to be some odour – unfortunately its unavoidable.

We will notify you directly if our work is likely to impact your day-to-day life.

Our contractors will have their work areas fenced off – this is for your safety as well as theirs. Excavation will be deep, so we ask you respect the boundaries which will be in place.