
November 2024 Construction Update

25 November 2024

Major construction works are well underway across our TERHAP projects.

At our Ti Tree Bend Sewage Treatment Plant, we have started building the future new 10 megalitre covered storage tank, including reinforced concrete works.

To date, we’ve poured nearly 300 cubic metres of concrete, to provide a flat and clean working platform for the concrete works. We have also completed the first slab pours, which will create the solid foundations for the walls and roof of the new tank.

During September we drilled almost 120 concrete piles into the ground, which will provide additional foundations for the new tank. The piles were drilled almost 20 metres deep and will support the tank by minimising settlement and anchoring the tank during rainfall and flood events.

The project has cut the piles down using a pile cropper to prepare the piles for connection to the new covered storage tank.

In October, we completed final major excavation works up to seven metres deep in preparation for the concrete works. These works, together with the extensive Mass Soil Mixing works that we completed mid-year, help ensure our excavations are safe, stable, and dry.

At our Kings Park construction site, works are underway with connection works for the New Sewer Pipeline. The sheet piles we installed to provide stability for the levee and buried ends of the new pipeline have now been removed.

From late November we began pouring the final lift of sand and cement, as well as trench excavations and building concrete works.

The new pipeline is nearly ready for connection to the New Margaret Street Pump Station and will be completed by the end of 2024.

During the first half of 2025 there will be ongoing works at our Kings Park site. While these works continue, the double stacked shipping containers will remain on site to provide important noise mitigation.

In Trevallyn, we have finished reinstating the ground, completed fencing and placed new asphalt on the public pathways in the western foreshore area. The pathways are now fully reopened for public use.

Our construction works in the Trevallyn area are now complete.