
Construction Update - 12 November

12 November 2024

Works are progressing well, and the Murray Street section of pipeline has been completed. The team is also making good progress along the Tasman Highway.

In response to rockier than expected ground conditions at the Murray Street Sewage Pump Station, we plan to connect the new pipeline to the network in a different way. The excavation will be more localised, and the extent of rock breaking required will be reduced as a value pit will not be installed. After construction is completed, we plan to install a small area of compressed brown gravel at the existing Pump Station site to ensure safe access by our teams.

The project team will continue work at the Murray Street Sewage Pump Station from Wednesday 13 November. This will include excavation and rock breaking activity and is planned to take approximately two weeks, depending on site conditions.

Installation of infrastructure and required testing is planned to take place from late November to mid December. Those living close to the Sewage Pump Station will continue to notice construction impacts such as a temporary increase in noise and dust, machinery, personnel and light work vehicles in the area.

We appreciate that these kind of works impact close residents, and we continue to work with our contractor and residents to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Thank you for your understanding as we undertake this important project.