As part of TasWater’s commitment to investing in new and improved sewer infrastructure to cater for Hobart’s future growth, we are delivering a project to expand and upgrade the Selfs Point Sewage Treatment Plant, located near New Town Bay.

The upgraded plant will allow for the existing Macquarie Point Sewage Treatment Plant to be decommissioned, and a new sewage pump station will be constructed to transfer wastewater from residential, business and light industrial customers within North Hobart, West Hobart, Glebe, South Hobart, Battery Point and the Hobart CBD to the upgraded Selfs Point facility.

By streamlining the operation of these two plants into a single modern facility, we will help improve marine health by removing tonnes of nitrogen and phosphorus from the Derwent River every year.

The Hobart City Council have advertised the Selfs Point Sewer Transformation Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for public comment from 10 May 2024 for a period of 28 days.

What is the Environmental Impact Statement?

The EIS has been prepared as part of the approval process for construction of the new sewer treatment facility next to the existing Selfs Point Sewage Treatment Plant.

The EIS provides information for the assessment by the Board of the EPA as a Class 2B assessment under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA).

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Name TasWater
Phone 13 6992