Our River. Our Future

Revitalising kanamaluka/Tamar estuary

The kanamaluka/Tamar estuary is a special landscape that connects our community. We appreciate its importance to Launceston and the wider community, which is why we are making investments today to ensure its health for future generations.

As part of the Tamar Estuary River Health Action Plan (TERHAP), we will be delivering new sewerage infrastructure for the city to improve the health of kanamaluka/Tamar estuary and the environment that surrounds it.

What's this project all about?

This transformative pipeline project, which is one of the largest infrastructure projects of its type in the southern hemisphere, will increase our capacity to transfer sewage and stormwater, significantly reducing the frequency and volume of overflow events.

Major construction works are underway in areas near our Margaret Street Pump Station, along the western foreshore (Trevallyn area) and at our Ti Tree Bend Sewage Treatment Plant at Invermay.

Construction sites

Click here to download a PDF file of our project map.

Our construction works involve installing large pipes which will be laid up to 45 metres under the estuary riverbed. The construction works is primarily drilling beneath the riverbed of the estuary and land-based trenching.

If you happen to be walking along the Richie's Mill Walk in Launceston of enjoying Tailrace Park at Trevallyn, keep an eye for our recently installed some project interpretive signs.

TERHAP Interpretive Signage

Project update

The new pipeline under kanamaluka/Tamar estuary, connecting the Margaret Street Pump Station with the Ti Tree Bend Sewage Treatment Plant, has now been installed at a depth of around 45 metres beneath the riverbed.

Our major construction machinery, including the Horizontal Directional Drilling rig has now been removed from the Kings Park site.

We have started the connection works at the Kings Park site for the New Sewer Pipeline, including installing a metal retaining wall into the ground that will provide stability to the levee as we begin connection works at the end of the new pipeline.

Our site at Kings Park will continue to be active for remainder of 2024 and the double stacked shipping containers with murals will remain in place to continue to provide an important noise barrier.

At the western foreshore site in Trevallyn, we have completed important pressure testing on the last section of the new pipeline. Over the coming weeks reinstatement works will continue before fully reopening for public use.

The project is expected to be completed late 2024.

TERHAP - August 2024 construction update

TERHAP - July 2024 construction update

What you will notice during our works

Hours of work

The majority of construction works will take place from 7am to 5pm Monday to Sunday. There may be times when we need to work outside of these hours, but we’ll let you know in advance if this is required.

Managing pedestrian access to community spaces

Kings Park

Now that our major construction machinery, including the Horizontal Directional Drilling rig has been removed from our Kings Park site, the footpath along Paterson Street has been reopened for public use.

We’re currently working with Council on the project’s final landscape designs for this area and will share these in a future update.

Changes to public access Western foreshore and Valley Street

Major construction is planned to be completed by late 2024.

We thank the community for their understanding while we deliver this important project.

The Tamar Estuary River Health Action Plan (TERHAP or the Plan) is an initiative of the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce (TEMT) and the Launceston City Deal, to improve the health of kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary.

TERHAP is jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian governments, the City of Launceston and TasWater.

Tamar Estuary River Health Action Plan Projects

Have your say...

We welcome your feedback about the TERHAP New Sewer Pipeline Project